Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Design brief of collage

For design brief, i am  going to use picture of natural disaster which is earthquake, tsunami  and tornado  or typhoon for main and their effects.

my collage may consist of same kind of picture following...

this collage is showing how does natural disaster is looks like.

                                                                                                                                                                         this collage is showing the effects that can cause                                                                                            by natural disaster

so my final collage would be represent these kind of picture in one collage.

my work right now

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Unit 4 assessment-Collage investigation

Unit question:
 how has technology influenced the way we see the world around us?
AOI: environmental
Investigation of the collage 

Basically collage is the technique of composing many similar themes of picture in one page. collage is used for art work that has been drawn by artist. but now collage is used for many things include magazine and newspaper clippings, ribbons, paint, bits of colored or handmade papers, portions of other artwork or texts, photographs and other found objects, glued to a piece of paper or canvas.
 you decide the topic of collage to understand what does collage is about.  so that Collage is used for composing many picture to understand how was or how does topic or themes about and like. 

this is the collage about environment

 The collage can effectively portray the theme of collage by creating some objects such as an animal. this collage effectively portray the object.
collage is really useful to
For my collage i think i going to represent the "how natural disaster can be dangerous" by using picture of example of natural disaster, after effects of natural disaster. so people who've seen my collage, then they might know how natural disaster can be dangerous.

This web site was really useful to help my investigation because in this Web site, there is lots of information about collage such as what is collage, how does it useful etc.
I used this web site when i was thinking about design. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dream weaver

unit question: how can i share information with wider audience.

i guess that this unit question meant that share information to every one around the world using Web site. one of the way of creating web site is Dream Weaver. so basically this unit question meant that share my information using web site that had been created by dream Weaver.

i have learnt new things about DW is, change font and size of word, insert picture with URL, Hyper link, insert table and editing from HTML.
as i used dream weaver, i could post my own WEB site that consist of what have i learnt.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Reflection for tech fair

i couldn't go for tech fair because first of all my project haven't done yet and also i lost my USB so i lost all of my work that i have done. so suddenly i change to other project which was new language that i haven't learnt. but it was really simple and short as i posted on previous post. so it was really fun when i was studying the programming language. next time i want to challenge to make simple game using VB script. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Reflection on my tech fair project

in my tech fair project i learnt new programming language which was VB script. so it was really good experience. and i made calculator using VB script, but code is really simple. so next time or if i have time, i want to challenge in difficult thing using vb script. 

Tech fair project using VB Script

i actually made simple software which using for capture the screen shot, but i lost my USB so suddenly i change my project to programming application using vbscript. VB script is one of the form of programming using notepad so it is really easy to programming  and it doesn't take time to make application.  and i choose to make calculator because it is useful at some point. this is my script of calculator using VB script.

dim num1
dim num2
dim equ

num1 = inputbox("Enter First Number")
equ = inputbox("Enter Equation Sign Eample: (/ * - +)")
num2 = inputbox("Enter Second Number")

if equ = "/" then msgbox(num1 / num2)
if equ = "*" then msgbox(num1 * num2)
if equ = "-" then msgbox(num1 - num2)
if equ = "+" then msgbox(num1 -- num2)

you just copy and paste to note pad and change file name as a (something).vbs

i think later on, i going to post my code of software because it little bit takes time to make it.

my work:

Notepad CODE

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


1) programming and make some apps or tools for something.
pros: few hard wear needed so you don't have to use lots of money. you just need computer. And it is a
easiest because we just have to have knowledge for vb-script .
cons: it takes time to finish the program. many times happened bugs so it take time to fix the bug.
materials require: COMPUTER

If i going to make robot, I think that would be making from Lego "mind storm". so may be other people will going to do same thing. I dont really want to do that.
pros: it will be really attractive to people and interesting.
cons: it takes huge cost so i don't want to do. i going to make robot if i can make it cheaper and easily.
materials require: hardware for building robot. and soft wear for programming.

3)make a game in some software.
if i going to do this project, genre would be RPG. because i thought that it will be easy and fun.
pros: it would be really interest if i made good game. also it could be money and i can make better one may be.
cons: it takes time to learn how to make. and it might get really simple and bored.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


all  of the comment was really helpful to me to create better blog and better brochure. i can improve to put more color on surf board and more eye catching. so next time if i going to do similar project, i have to make product more i catching with nice color contrast and also for the brochure, i have it more eye catching. it meant that i need to make brochure and product more colorful.
thank you for people who advise me with helpful comment. and commenting on m blog!