Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Reflection for tech fair

i couldn't go for tech fair because first of all my project haven't done yet and also i lost my USB so i lost all of my work that i have done. so suddenly i change to other project which was new language that i haven't learnt. but it was really simple and short as i posted on previous post. so it was really fun when i was studying the programming language. next time i want to challenge to make simple game using VB script. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Reflection on my tech fair project

in my tech fair project i learnt new programming language which was VB script. so it was really good experience. and i made calculator using VB script, but code is really simple. so next time or if i have time, i want to challenge in difficult thing using vb script. 

Tech fair project using VB Script

i actually made simple software which using for capture the screen shot, but i lost my USB so suddenly i change my project to programming application using vbscript. VB script is one of the form of programming using notepad so it is really easy to programming  and it doesn't take time to make application.  and i choose to make calculator because it is useful at some point. this is my script of calculator using VB script.

dim num1
dim num2
dim equ

num1 = inputbox("Enter First Number")
equ = inputbox("Enter Equation Sign Eample: (/ * - +)")
num2 = inputbox("Enter Second Number")

if equ = "/" then msgbox(num1 / num2)
if equ = "*" then msgbox(num1 * num2)
if equ = "-" then msgbox(num1 - num2)
if equ = "+" then msgbox(num1 -- num2)

you just copy and paste to note pad and change file name as a (something).vbs

i think later on, i going to post my code of software because it little bit takes time to make it.

my work:

Notepad CODE